Children ages birth - 11 years are invited to participate in this unique edition of BOOK BINGO. Stop into the library to pick up your age-appropriate BOOK BINGO game chart and your library books, then start reading!
When you finish reading a book that fits into one of the 25 categories on your game card, color in the square or place a sticker over it, then move onto the next category. Keep reading until your entire game card is completed!
Return your completed game card to the library on Thursday, March 29th and join us for a BOOK BINGO Party, 5:30-6:30pm. (Registration is required.) Your completed and submitted game card enters you to win cool prizes!
Need help finding a book within a category? Ask a librarian for recommendations!
Most importantly: have fun discovering and reading new books!
See you soon! xoxo, Miss Katie
Sample BOOK BINGO game card for Nancy Kay Holmes Library's younger readers:

Sample of BOOK BINGO game card for our library's older readers: